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Miss British Isles

outfit 1


Saturday night party dress / cocktail dress (knee length or above the knee) and sash

You are permitted to wear flat shoes or heels.


Please ensure that the dress does not have any ribbons / bows on the front as the

sash will not hang properly and will mess up the photos.


Please be aware

  • The catwalk is 2 ft high so dresses must not be too short.

  • Contestants who do not follow the dress guidelines will have points deducted by thejudges and in some cases will not be permitted on the catwalk in the relevant outfit.


outfit 2


Evening dress and sash (normally full length but can be just below the

knee in length)


Please ensure that the dress does not have any ribbons / bows on the front as the

sash will not hang properly and will mess up the photos.


The most popular colours tend to be black, blue and red.


The catwalk is white and the backdrop is white.


Please ensure where the dress has a split in it – that the split is not too revealing.

Finalists should be very careful when selecting dresses from photographs or online

with major splits in them at the front as these can become very revealing when

walking in them on a catwalk.


Sheer dresses without the appropriate underwear are not permitted.


Please ensure you have walked in your shoes a few times before the show to ensure

you are able to walk in them properly.


Also, please test walking in your long dress and shoes prior to the final to ensure

your dress is not too long and your shoes get tangled in the dress when trying to



Meet ups


  • Dress (knee length / above the knee) and sash with flat shoes or heels.

  • The meet up photos in front of the Official banner are generally cut around the hiparea / point of the sash.

  • Please ensure that the dress does not have any ribbons / bows on the front as thesash will not hang properly and will mess up the photos.

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